revelation 19 explained verse by verse

When Christ at God's right hand was announced, even from the very beginning, He was ready to judge the quick and the dead. Then there was a time of preparation as the The seventh bowl contained under it the fall of Babylon, which "was remembered before God, to give to her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath.". "Praise our God," it said, "all you his servants, you who fear him, small and great.". they were saying. 3:12-15; 2 Cor. While the term bride often refers to the church, and does so here (2 Cor. In that it "continues" to come forth, indicates this is not literal, but symbolic. Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power; but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.". On His robe where it spreads out at His waist HIS TITLE is inscribed. Revelation 1:19 - Verse-by-Verse Bible Commentary - The great city was either guilty Jerusalem or Babylon. It is a precisely similar case here. These compose the third class here spoken of. If the books proclaim the evil works of the dead that stand before the throne, the book of life offers no defence on the score of God's grace. And he shall rule them with a rod of iron - See the notes on Revelation 2:27; Revelation 12:5. That is, the tabernacle of God is regarded as a separate object, no doubt associated with men, but not confounded with them. 11:2; Eph. This scene receive our inheritance, we must read the will. Out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword Revelation 1:16; Revelation 1:16. But the attempt, again, to apply what is said here to a future city of Babylon in Chaldea seems to me no less vain. Thus the attempt to apply it during the pagan period is altogether futile on the face of the matter. It is to be supposed that it will far exceed anything yet seen on the face of the earth. Two sets of people are called on to praise God. And Jesus sits on the great white throne. It is suggested that it is actually written on his thigh, because it was sometimes the custom to engrave the titles of statues on the thigh. She is, the mother of the harlots, but also (and with still deeper guilt) of the abominations of the earth. After these things I heard a loud voice of a great multitude in heaven, saying, "Alleluia! In our day men prophecy "the end of Christs church", but Christs Word is mightier than any word that men can utter. I do not, of course, complain of particular persons, but of the general vagueness in which the passage has been taken unless, indeed, the more common course be not to ignore it. Verses 1-6: Alleluia: This Hebrew word appears 4 times in the New Testament. Revelation 2020 - Lesson 19A - Verse By Verse Ministry The woman the strange woman sets forth corruption, human nature indulging itself in its own evil desires, irrespective of God's will. It is not only that the angel corrects the act by asserting that he is a fellow-servant of him and of his brethren who have the testimony of Jesus. - CBSC. instead of one of the other names of Jesus, to show that we have been cleansed Verse 2. Commentary on Revelation - [Chapter 18] - Theology First I speak not of anything that might be deemed exceptional or peculiar, but of two acts of raising saints. Gods deliverance of His people from their enemies (verse 1); (2) If you He with the glorified saints will have their home on high, but none the less shall they reign over this very world for the allotted time. incorporates believers, the Old Testament saints, the Church age saints, and the In his mind are two things. He has many crowns, for he is King of kings, and Lord of lords. There is nothing in Jesus to harm him; there is every thing to bless there is Himself to be enjoyed, even if they have failed in the full knowledge of it here below. 5:25-32). Christ to earth. Just like, as many other places Here is a picture which is essentially Jewish. Satan will bring forth an empire suited to his purposes, as it springs from Satanic principles which deny God; and this is part of what appears to be meant by the beast ascending out of the bottomless pit. The "saved" is a term which, so far from belonging to the nations, is expressly applied to the Jewish remnant when it is a technical term. Of course the other is true. It means The bride is in view. 2. For according to unquestionable testimony the Reuchlinian copy has like some half-dozen cursives, which was probably a mistake for . Revelation 3:19 Meaning and Commentary - Bible Study Tools Zechariah 14:18, but nowhere else with a sword. Not only are they supposed to be coexistent, but united in their change of feeling against Babylon. THE TE DEUM OF THE ANGELS ( Revelation 19:1-2 ), 19:1-2 After these things I heard what sounded like a great voice of a vast multitude in heaven. His instructions are to praise God. They are not seen here as the bride. not. Gods communion with His people (verse 7). But you can go ahead and do these things without pangs of conscience trying to destroy God out of our society, out of our lives. This is of great importance, because if the new Jerusalem be, as I have no doubt it is, the bride the Lamb's wife, then we have her separate condition asserted in eternity. A state of war has existed since the fall of Satan (compare verse 4, compare Dan. Link with Johns vision of Revelation 19:11-16 a meditation on the Hymn "Crown Him with many crowns" and also the stirring Hymn "Onward Christian soldiers." Christ, the glorious Head of the church, is described as on a white horse, the emblem of justice and holiness. In Php_2:9-11 we read of the name above every name which God has given to Jesus Christ because of his complete obedience; and there the name is almost certainly Lord. Revelation 19 NIV - Threefold Hallelujah Over Babylon's - Bible Gateway This also is a no less important element for understanding the chapter. - Utley, Isaiah 63:1-3; (Source of imagery for the Battle Hymn of the Republic.). to be worshiped (22:8-9; Acts 10:25-26). Her part in the corruption of the high and the intoxication of the low her idolatrous character has come before us. It is as if the multitude of the redeemed sent up their shout of praise because the promise of Christ to his persecuted ones had come abundantly true. I have examined Him. It seems clear that the name is visible to all, and, therefore, probably the likeliest solution is that it was written on the skirt of the warrior Christ's robe, lying over his thigh, as he rode upon the white horse. The whole Middle East area of Israel all the way through the land from the Valley of Megiddo clear on down to Edom will be crowded with the vast armies of the world. Unlike the kings of the earth who wage war in selfishness, "in righteousness He judges and makes war.". To this earth He is coming, and not merely to the new earth in the eternal state. [3] In this chapter, heaven exults over the fall of Babylon the Great. And I saw heaven open, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True ( Revelation 19:11 ). She does not, it is true, say, "Come quickly." When Now we see the tree of life again. The bride represents those that are spoken of in the normal possession and enjoyment of their privileges. Verse 11. Verses 6-10: Omnipotent: God is all-powerful, and reigneth over His It is no problem for the infinite God to reach to finite man. Why then is the book of life mentioned? He remains in that condition of readiness from the time when He sat at God's right hand till the present. It isn't that you have been faithful in your devotions, and you have witnessed to so many people, and read so many chapters of the Bible, and spent so many hours in prayer, and you have done all of the religious devotional things, not that at all. Never again will there be more false religions, worldly philosophy, injustice or There is only one other place in the New Testament where these two verbs (chairein, G5463, and agallian, G21) come together--in Jesus Christ's promise to the persecuted: "Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven" ( Matthew 5:12). Polyglot, and all editions of the least critical value. It would have been incongruous to bring in that long description before, because this must have interrupted the flow of the prophetic stream. It is to Jesus. According to the general scope of scripture, then, we may be quite sure that these saints, kept during this universal dissolution of the atmospheric heaven and the earth, will be translated to "the new heavens and new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness," in a condition new and meet for the eternal state into which they are ushered. "Hallelujah!" Let us look at the different groups that are seen to have part in the first resurrection. The actual picture comes from Isaiah: "The streams of Edom shall be turned into pitch, and her soil into brimstone; her land shall become burning pitch. Where Hallelujah occurs in the Old Testament it is translated by Praise God, but here in this chapter the original Hebrew form, transliterated into Greek, is retained. Here accordingly we have them all. This city is seen now as the holy vessel of divine power for governing the earth during the millennium, "having the glory of God: and her brightness was like a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal.". This is saying that this judgment is permanent and is like the language that God What was easier than to turn the demons into angels and to worship them? "And he showed me a pure river of water of life, bright as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb." the wilderness, the High Priest wore a very ornamented robe with a breastplate After so long a tarrying how blessed! These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone. Hence. The principle upon which this verse-by-verse study of Revelation proceeds, is that the contents of the book are, in the main, yet future and that the fulfillment of the greater part of Revelation cannot take place as long as the Church remains here on earth. We desire that He should come quickly, but we leave this to Him, because we know His love, and can trust Him. The beloved city is Jerusalem; the camp of the saints, I presume, is a larger circle and embraces all of Israel and the Gentiles who, being converted, refuse Satan's deceit. The ensigns of his authority, his coat of arms--a name written on his vesture and thigh, King of kings, and Lord of lords, asserting his authority and power, and the cause of the quarrel, Revelation 19:16; Revelation 19:16.

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revelation 19 explained verse by verse