eros conjunct lilith synastry

Thank you for your response, I appreciate it very much. That is what I was saying. Lets hope more info comes out about this connection.:). Good afternoon, thank you for this article Eros Conjunct the Midheaven: This synastry aspect will be quite powerful for both parties since it will impact the way that the world views them. Mars pluto aspects What do you think? How we respond to this synastry contact has a lot to do with our own relationship to power and sexuality. Hi Ami, Ive been quietly enjoying your site for years now and am finally reaching out as Im intrigued by your work on nessus/deja and recently entered into a relationship with someone (not romantic) who I discovered has nessus and mars conj my nn exact. It is opinion, not truth. This aspect almost certainly speaks to karma from a past life marriage. The issue is that me disagreeing with you being fatalistic (because what you say is not what always happens, not even 60% of the time because I have nessus/dejanira aspects with most people that are close to me, and I have never been abused or attacked in any of those relationships) does not mean that Im not accepting the truth. Try to post the charts so see a visual! To me, you may really struggle with falling into the victim role and would have to keep pulling yourself up over and over until you get real traction which could take some time, oh im sorry. The Fortuna would, likely, bring good fortune to the vertex person, likely in the arena of money. 8. Yes, this is all very true but the charts exist outside of time, too. would you please shed some light as you see fit? Ascendant opposite ascendant (1st house on the 7th house overlay). To me, it always is. This is my opinion and other people may differ but I call things as I see them, Mandy dear. Nessus conj the NN in synastry would make me RUN and fast lol. . I use the term female, but it would be the same for either sex. Many people say they have overcome things but I watch their actions and see they are lying. Is it a similar power to the conjunction? How will these aspects play out? We`ve known each other for a few months and generally it is a good relationship. Love + Soulmate Synastry Observations - Celeste Thats why its so weird bc it is a very good longterm relationship. DO they have Moon trine Moon or Moon conjunct Moon. what would the double wammy of sun and pluto look like? Their capacity for intimacy and shared desire to melt into the fires of transformation is nothing short of total risk, which each are compelled to take- no questions asked. I dont pay that much attention to Deja conj another asteroid. I am sorry. About Nessus/BML, I would watch it. eros conjunct sun in synastry - ProBoards Am I right? Unlike Juno/Saturn aspects, Juno in aspect with the South Node does not necessarily indicate that marriage in this life will be a force. Also, It doesnt suit me. I do Astrology the way that I would want to learn it. I've never had a more natural and effortless sexual connection to someone in my life, and it blinded me to a lot of things. Yet despite this fearsome reputation she was often dismissed as " a minor Babylonian wind deity " or similar. Uranus is kink, so you do the math. "I want to welcome you to my website. woman s Dejanira and Juno, ( 445 and 432 Scorp ) both conjunct mans Eros and Chiron, (510 Scorp, 530 Scorp ) and both OPPOSITE mans Nessus (6 Taurus) I am new on this and finding all this information was revealing, so now I will stick to questions about my dejanira and nesuus. I have very wide-orbed Eros-Lilith contacts (not conjunctions) in my two last relationships (they are Eros, I'm Lilith), but both relationships were so 8th house-oriented and Plutonian that it's hard to tell where Lilith comes in. The Top 5 Past Life Marriage Indicators In the Birth Chart: Karmic (Conjunction, Opposition, Trine, Sextile, Square! It gives no leg room, and its fearful to people. Deep soul love, incredibly painful at times. Sexual Synastry - Astrology 42 The relationship seems to end in a certain way, too. Please, keep giving your opinion. Eros-Psyche: Eros and Psyche are natural mates. To gather more about the flavor of the relationship, look to the actual aspect (is it favorable or difficult?) Eros is also prominent in their synastry. Powerful, you say? That doesnt mean youve never been married. We are mesmerized, enchanted, and even obsessed with this person. Eros Synastry: The Nodes and Major Angles of Your Chart (Conjunctions I'm really only just starting to get to know Eros well, and Lilith is still somewhat elusive. It is not good to have a base level view on what will happen with one isolated aspect. Opposition AC / Moon and trigone mars and saturne. Dejanira trines my Ascendant. This is not to say it would be better or even easier. I have no vested interest in any asteroid or any placement being any way other than my being able to help people. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. crap. My Dejanira is square his venus (-0a) and conjunct his vertex (0s). However, this person would have to play it out before he overcame it. Everyone should have one once in a lifetime, I suppose. You both feel admiration for each other. Chiron conjunct sun. Lilith on the ic is one of the more potent lilith synastry to have even in the composite. I believe her Dejanira is conjunct his Nessus by one degree. As one of the four largest asteroids (along with Vesta, Pallas, and Juno), Ceres is usually analyzed in the birth chart. Would an eighth house overlay make these destructive or strengthen ? People tell me the same thing they tell me with Nessus. its more like the astrology helps me to fill in the pictures. Hmm You are so welcome, Britt and thanks so much for telling me that you like it. Please post the charts. 10. Ami, hello. The charts tell all. The conjunction is excact. If you want to ask about 2 aspects, I will try to answer but an answer on the whole relationship needs an entire chart reading. It is not pretty at all. You can say you did it and you can help the next person who comes along. I cant really relate to Nessus at all, though I sometimes think I can feel BML itching under my skin. If other aspects and planets in the chart point to marriage, then it was probably a romantic, attractive marriage where the couple did not see each other all day, did not share a bedroom, had a large household staff, lived apart, etc. I often am able to get away in time, and at other times I can get away only to a certain degree. I have not seen it fail in all of my chart work. I could not agree more with this. Groom conjunct the Vertex. They have transcended Nessus conj Dejanira, which is a new situation for me to see. The exception would be the person who overcame it through God. Her NN on his 7th makes me think its a past life hold. However, it's recommended to do an individual birthchart analysis before analyzing the Synastry to see the personal needs and potential for maintaining a healthy relationship. I dont think you can draw the concrete conclusion you did from these aspects. Is there a good part to Nessus/deja conjunct? Eros is looking for his equal to explore the realm of creative intimacy. The nessus and deja conjunction is in Cancer. Black Moon Lilith in Synastry - Im not meaning to argue if it sounds like it, its just damaging for ignorant people to come find posts saying that bad asteroids are always going to play out no matter what they do because that leads them to believe that everything in astrology is linear and has only a small set of possibilities that people cannot escape. 1) Planetary house overlays (1, 5, 7, 8, 9 = most important) 2) Planetary aspects. And posting my charf sounds like fun, I just might . We have no moon aspects will this help? I have BML in my 1st house in Scorpio along with Venus and Saturn All are in conjunction with BML. With any Chiron aspect to the other persons Juno, there was a wound created through marriage in a past life. his moon is in cancer so depending on what time hes born, there are 2 scenarios :1) my Saturn squares his moon but my sun and north node would conjunct it 2) my Pluto would square his moon but our moons would be in trine. Dark sexual relationship synastry top 5 | Signing. Still, even without the conjunction, I have Nessus in the 1st house, which would make me abusive, according to these theories, and I dont fit. Ceres person appreciates this, as they typically focus more on caregiving than on their own inner desires. Cosmic Farts on Tumblr I wonder if that would mean that he IS an abuser but couldnt abuse me ?? Hi This isn't always a bad thing, however. You can have Mars/Pluto with a fling and not feel a thing in your emotions.We have the same kind of weighting with the conjunction, trine, opposition and square as we did above. This aspect can bring intense emotions, profound personal growth, and the potential for both positive and negative experiences. The wonderful thing about this aspect, especially with the conjunction is that love is brought into the lives of both, even if . I suppose you have choice on whether to act on it. so what would it be? We need to look at the whole chart to see the whole story. They have lots of soulmate connections in the charts and both make really strong NN conjunctions and squares in synastry. And my dejanira conjunct his Venus. Hi Amiann, how do you think nessus square neptune would play out in synastry, lets say if its almost exact. I have Dejanira in Pisces in the 4H. It is like sky diving. BUT my dejanira is conjunct with his sun by one degree and my dejanira is also in the same degree as my AC What does that mean? The conjunction is especially strong, but the trine, square, and opposition can also indicate a past life connection or marriage. Ive never seen the Descendant explained so clearly or succinctly before. What would you say about moon conjunct pluto in a composite chart. Im trying really, really hard not to jump to conclusions, so any help or advice you could give would be very much appreciated. I get into this discussion a lot with people. These aspects or connections have a "mean't to be" feel to them, it's a potent place to look at in synastry. So the theory doesnt check out. Children create their future adult personalities by learning from the adults around them and their interactions, so it makes sense, sadly. Check out our 40+ page relationship astrology eBook! This ascendant descendant conjunction alone does a very interesting thing in the chart. Eros and Venus in a synastry chart! Things DO offset things but one must look at everything to see a final answer which is my goal when doing charts.I am not trying to sell myself here, just trying to show that your question is too deep for a quick answer, my Friend. I do find it funny that I have Dejenira in 5 deg Sag, since most of my arch enemies were Sags. It is real to be neutral. Connections between the Vertex and the lunar nodes are also indicators of past life in synastry. Even with a trine this 8th house effect enhances both the good and the bad ? If your Dejanira conjuncts his ASC, Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, Venus or NN, you will be his victim. I generally cannot stand them, and their tendency to be arogant and conceited towards anyone who doesnt think the way they do does come across as downright abusive to me. My main point is reflection. That is why it feels so life and death. Would you say that a double whammy Nessus OPPOSITE Juno is something dangerous too ? Lilith Synastry Sun and Lilith conjunct in the synastry chart When Sun person's Sun and Lilith person's Lilith combine, each person awakens the deep desire for individuality and creativity in each other. But I do see this possibly helping people with many bad aspects that could show any possibility of abuse in their own chart already whom have actually been through anything so that this can help them feel validated about past or current pains, but its not good to deem things as going to play out in time just because they havent yet in a long standing, healthy relationship. Eros and Venus in a synastry chart! Conjunction - YouTube Would the aspects to the venus offset the negativity that the Dejanira implies? I just never have, not that it is not good. Your email address will not be published. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a. Wow, Pluto conj the DSC may be looking for partners who have strong primal power and you may not have accessed your own. Also my true node is at 22 Cancer close to my nessus (conjunction?) I would put Moon/Pluto first in terms of super connection and passion and Venus/Pluto second. One person is kind of riding the other one in this. I always question the role of house overlays and given this topic the 8th house comes to mind. When she contacts Eros in another, the answer to that question is found in the heart of a powerfully erotic relationship. If you want to end it, be upfront and be kind. Asteroids and aspects do not control people. Just for fun: several INTENSE synastric aspects - Lindaland - Linda Goodman , Not a sag actually, but a virgo with tons of leo in her chart, lol. I can relate to everything Ive read from you. Lilith and Ceres aspects in the Synastry Chart: How do you nurture each Having a planet you have on your 7th house falling on their 1st house and a planet in your 1st house falling on their 7th house and vice-versa which would create an opposite between the two planets in the synastry chart. Another asteroid that is dark is Dejanira. How would it play out if my boyfriends Dejanira is conjunct my venus/juno conjunction but my venus/juno is part of a grand trine with my midheaven and also my moon/Bella/mars/pluto conjunction? Do you think I need to worry about the Nessus/BML conjunction or about abusing the poor wounded birds I keep looking for? Thank you, Amiann. In the rare instance where these two do meet, the results are truly awe inspiring, changing our lives in intense and lasting ways. It would have ruined my relationship with my mother because I would have feared her even though she showed no signs of abuse. We also have mars opposite pluto (Im pluto) in synastry. It is not as intense as the conjunction but very intense, nonetheless. This is not a dark aspect, either. I didn't eroticize his everyday actions. Do you see what I mean. xx. Hi, anyone can tell me more about a double whammy Pluto-Venus? And my pluto trine his sun and, Mars sq Pluto can be violence and/or violent/strong passions. I know my life, and what manifests in it. But I always have the feeling that people want to abuse/fool me in one way or another and they get surprised when I respond, I constantly need to stand up for myself in any sort of situation, from the cashier in the shop to colleagues at work. Saturn draws the couple together due to karma, but Juno and South Node aspects offer more of a choice. What are your thoughts? You, as the Pluto in the trine with his Sun and venus could kind of see through him lol, Thank you Amy for your reply We are both passionate, but luckily, by nature, not violent people thank God . My ex has Scorpio Pluto conjunct my scorpio moon, and I have Sagittarius pluto conjunct his sagittarius moon. M. % would be more ambient but felt imo Maria dear. Im pluto and he is the moon. Black Moon Lilith/Eros in Synastry - ProBoards Come and post the charts. Please please do Nessus conjunct Lilith in synastry?? We are not discussing potential long-term compatibility between the sexes, not the love match-rather, signs of initial sexual attraction and knee-jerk reactions between two people. You do not have to do their chart. (double-whammy..) This really highlights this magnetic quality to this conjunction and creates a situation where each individual holds the . Yes, I was thinking about this. There is NO way this will work out well, in my opinion. Nessus conjuncts BML, and Dejanira conjuncts DSC and Pluto. Thank you for your reply. Maybe also Mars/Uranus? Do these asteroids have to be conjunct planets or square each other to be dangerous? Aww Fluffy His dejanira is conjunct with my sun. To put it plainly, if you have a dominant Nessus, you will be an abuser. We all have Liliths plutonic quality in us, the unconscious energy that brings up harsh boundaries between life and death, ecstasy and suffering, passion and revulsion, enslavement and freedom. It seems like the man of your childhood dreams walked out of the ether into your life like the larger than life heroes on the movie screens. That is why it is so powerful. What significance would you place on someones Juno conjunct my vertex, south node as well as very-widely conjunct my sun (same sign). We enter the month of February, with lust, love and passion. What about mars, Saturn and Jupiter in Virgo? -Eros conjunct their personal planets ( Sun,Moon,Venus, Mars etc.). Well, I have been thinking about the situation. Now, we come to things that could really make the relationship dark. In our synastry chart we have moon trine pluto and mars square pluto. With asteroids, I would accept a 3 degree conjunction, tops. The Nessus person brings abuse to the ASC/DSC person. Will be keeping my wits about me. My eros was conjunct someone's mars and I did feel like whenever he was sexual, it was very erotic. MoonsEye Astrology Hi! Can you do Eros conjunct Venus in synastry It is desire, it is passion and love. Thats not the truth. The same with nessus conjunct ASC? A conjunction is the strongest, but most aspects indicate some type of marriage. Im not accepting you scaring people into running from possible happy, fulfilling relationships over one aspect that none of us even know how it can manifest in millions of ways. The 12th house is all about past life astrology, so the planets can always be applied to past lives as well as the current life. Im not saying it is impossible for the aspects to play put for people, because a lot of times, you do see it come into play, but really only when ones own natal supports that factor with aspects between actual planets. That is why it is so powerful. I dont believe in past lives, Lo. Most Astrologers dont tell things straight like I do. Mars conj Saturn is not good. For your daughter, watch out she does not get sexually abused. Lilith Aspects in Synastry: To Sun, Moon, Venus and Mars No worries. Both of them are loaded with sexual power, so their interaction is often explosive. The Saturn person may kind of ride the back of the Mars person. As long as we kept connecting the way we had been sexually, I was willing to "fight" for what I thought we had and felt I could withstand anything. We are dealing with very primal emotions here and we all know what primal emotions and passions can do if a person is not careful. there is no contact in real life anymore but the connection via the sexual chakra (either sacral or root chakra ) is still there and very strong. Playing with someones emotions when these aspects are involved could lead to bad things such as violence. Oops, sorry Amiann. 2021 - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This will be HOT. Yes, these asteroids have to be in a very close conjunction with other planets ( or a very close square) to be dangerous. If you see Moon oppose or square Pluto, dont play with the person. Knowing more. I dont want people to get the wrong idea and then get scared over a small aspect. His Dejanira is in 25 Scorpio, conjunct my Part of Fortune in 27 Scorpio, opposite my Moon in 29 Taurus and Mars and Jupiter, in 0 Gemini. 3 degrees is wide but this is one of the hardest aspects in the whole chart, so please be vigilant, as I know you will be! I have my dejanira conjuct by one degree with my AC line. I need to put it altogether after several hours of study to answer well. What I've read about Lilith makes it seem to me that she's sort of like the Feminine's Pluto with lots of primal sexual urges thrown in, so I'm sure she rooted herself comfortably into your already heavily Plutonic relationships. Your email address will not be published. Lilith Conjunct Venus Synastry - Transformative - Home - Access New Age If I had read this as a 14-16 year old, I wouldve been waiting everyday for my mother to start emotionally, mentally, or physically abusing me, and it would have put me in a constant state of fear because I didnt know much about astrology or how complex and fluid it is. There are no planets conjunct or square either Nessue or Dejanira in either chart, the only conjunction is her Dejanira to his Nessus. I guess ill post mine and then our synastry chart. It may be off a few minutes and change things. She has never treated me as less than, and she is extremely giving. How does that play out? We have moons in conjunction in gemini; His venus and mars are in conjunction with my venus in Aquarius. Making people fear being in relationships over tiny aspects that do not have an incredibly high chance of playing out is not healing to others. Our composite moon is at 26 Virgo and pluto at 0 libra. It wasn't enough for me to have sex with him though. What if a man has Dejanira conjunct a womans Sun? What is your opinion on To learn more about the past life, look at the aspect, the houses in which the planets sit, and the signs. Thanks for the push in this direction, my Friend. Who would bring who abuse? My nessus is separated from my true node by 7 in cncer and in exact opposition to my venus. Eros - Synni Signs Astrology A Lilith conjunct Mars synastry creates an intense hot affair that can lead to abuse of power and hostility, and this couple must learn to take care of each other before passion consumes their lives. 4. 2) I just looked for the child asteroid and it is on 28 Capricorn, conjuct with my venus 1 Aquarius. It "wakes up those areas inside of us and causes us to express them sexually, free from the restrictions of reality. the reason this is the case is that Mars is sexual drive( all drives actually). In some past life, at some point, weve been married to almost everyone weve dated or had some type of relationship with. It will not heal anyone to tell them that they are wrong when they say that their relationship is healthy and happy even though they have an aspect that you think is destined to be unhealthy. Eros conjunction sun and lucky point.. and mercury, uranus, pluto and venus in house seven, libra. Sun sextile/trine/conjunct Moon is often found in marriage synastry charts. Thats like saying everyone with their own natal mars square pluto aspect makes them destined to be molested. It is just the North Node, after all, not a personal planet. His sun/jupiter/neptune/venus are on my venus/saturn trouble spot in scorp. xxx, This may make Nessus and what it means i.e abuse, something that is a deep subject with you and on one which you contemplate. I am so intrigued!!! I have more compassion for myself, and I feel validated some ~ not to identify more as a victim. Isis is extreme devotion to the partner in the bravest, most selfless way possible. Squares and oppositions between Saturn and Juno can speak to a difficult relationship in the past, and theres some potential for this difficulty to be repeated unless both people are committed to working through their issues and working on the relationship. I often see this aspect in the charts of couples who have been married for many years. Yeah, the They may not be able to see what you are up and you could use this for your gain fits perfectly. Synastry | PlutonicDesire Coming from a standpoint of being an archaeologist, we can interpret and theorize things ourselves all we want, but an archaeologist telling a crowd of people that their own interpretation of the past is the TRUTH would not only be incredibly wrong, but it would also be detrimental to people that no nothing about interpreting and analyzing archaeological sites, therefore they would take that persons word even though it is not truth. I was shocked to see it in this couples charts. I don't need anything from you, except to serve you. Thats your opinion. (both in Capricorn) If you have a dominant Dejanira, you will be a victim. Lots of good aspects so thats why the Nessus Dejanira confuses me. I would have to see the rest of the chart to tell more though, my Friend. My Sun and Mercury sandwich this conjunction by four and three degrees. And what about Sun and Pluto contacts in synastry? I have to always be honest. Is there any way this could play out in a positive manner or should I watch my back? Eros in Synastry seems appropriate to discuss for this time of year. Hardly. You are welcome to your opinion but I stand on what I wrote. I have some extreme aspects and I shudder to think how they would be expressed had I not had saturn at the top of my chart who keeps things in check via a grand trine involving some big bad planets. The chart allows one to see oneself. Lilith is looking for sacred sex. Youll have to use your judgement here. You made my day, Juice and Welcome! orb). Not good, my Friend. Thank you, amiann. Have you tried? Is it relevant? Or rather nessus and dejanira support negative aspects since these are asteroids. with Dejanira conjunct his natal Sun It is the passion of lovers and the pure, primal love of a mother for her baby. Synastry Aspects for Soulmates - Ascendant Conjunct - Galactic Mystic YES. Can my Fortuna have some healing effect? Further, there is such a thing such as free will. Maybe, maybe not. Also, I discovered that my daughter has Dejanira conjunct her 2H Virgo Moon(3 deg. When you say one which you contemplate, do you mean that the person is aware of the abuse tendency and tries to deal with it? I am sorry! If it has not of yet, it may be a new relationship. If one person's Sun is conjunct Saturn and the other persons Eros is opposite Pluto, the contact will be quite different than if the Sun was conjunct Jupiter and Eros opposite Venus. Hardly. YES, your Deja conj his NN will make you his victim, to put it really directly. Hi Ami. Eros represents what turns us on. This only works with a synastry chart, and (as always) is simply my own opinion! What conjuncts your Aura? Keep an eye on anyone who is near her. Double whammy of Mars-Uranus in our synastry chart. This was likely a more romantic or sexual relationship instead of something that sustained itself day to day. What about this aspects? Thanks! Things were so passionate that we were bankrupting ourselves on planet tickets, so after a whirlwind 4 month courtship I quit my job and moved in with him- on the other side of the country. Ami, Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths.

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eros conjunct lilith synastry